Monday, April 19, 2004

Whoop, I am a fully signed up member of Spanish for Beginners and Drawing and Painting for Beginners. I feel thouroughly adult-educated. Or prepared to be, or something.

I am kind of wondering if i will get bored in the Spanish Class. I'm pretty sure I won't in the Drawing and Painting. It's just that I know that if I'd taken Spanish in high school, I would have been bored the whole time and done my best not to do any of the work. There's something about deciding to do things for yourself that makes the difference. Or maybe it's just that I actually *want* to learn this and put the effort in. That's almost the same thing but i think there's a subtle difference.

No reply as yet on the current possible solution to my "what to do this summer" dilemma. :/

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