Tuesday, June 08, 2004


Today my boss managed to tell me he thought i was smart, and make it seem like an insult.

I can't even explain how he did it, but it was like he was accusing me. He made one of his endless comments about how I'm leaving and going back to uni (which is wasting my time in his opinion. He told me that I shouldn't bother because I'll hate my job anyway. "Look at us" he said "We all hate our jobs". Yes, but you sell WIRES for a living.)

Anyway, he said something about photography and not going off into war zones, and I said "well i might." He seemed shocked and he muttered something; then came out with "I think secretly you've got a voice in your tongue [sic], and a brain in your head but while you're here you just keep quiet and accept things."

Now I know that sounds like a compliment, but I already said I couldn't explain it. At the time it was like an accusation of weakness or something. I wanted to blog it straight away so that maybe I'd remember it better and explain it more clearly. But I can't really blog at work and now I've forgotten the essence of the moment.


dollyllama said...

Not having been there I can't hear the inflection, see the body language/expression, nor get the tone of what he said but out of context it sounds like he's envious that you are smart yet quiet. Just my $.02 (worth less than a half pence in Britain I believe)

Galoot said...

Stand back! She's got a voice in her tongue!

Anonymous said...

It's a really weird thing he said. One one side, he's telling you he thinks you're very talented, but it seems like he's saying you don't know how to fit in, like you don't know your place.

Oh, and I prefer Haloscan's comments too.
