Thursday, July 22, 2004


Theyre playing Counting Crows cover of Big Yellow Taxi in this internet cafe.  Which is weird because before that it was all boyzone and the like.  Anyway thats pretty cool.  Nothing like hearing an awesome song when youre miles from home and werent expecting it.

Anyway I just had to blog about this.  About three days ago, while in a train station in Montpellier.  I saw a guy wearing a bright red black and yellow sash.  Across it, in bold letters, was written "Mister Belgium 1998".

What possible shade of madness could have created a situation where standing in a train station claiming you were the hottest man in belguim 6 years ago could have seemed like a good idea?


Daniel Goodchild said...

Michaël Tomboy !

Anonymous said...

RB, you never cease to amaze me :o
