Saturday, July 31, 2004

almost home time : /

Well im currently waiting for a train to Barcelona where I will spend three nights and then fly home on the 3rd. Reeeeeeeeally not looking forward to coming home. England is so lame.

The only good thing I can really think of about coming home is that I can finally look at my photos.


I was in San Jose, on the Spanish south coast, a few days ago, one of the best places Ive been yet, I think. It´s a little sea side resort but its not covered in huge hotels or anything. I went for a walk along the coast line (so eager!!). It´s all desert-like landscape, mountains in the background and then crazy trees and things nearby. Walked right to the end of the next beach along and then up a hill so I could see out over the cliffs and sea. Sat there for ages listening to music and eating cake. Cake, music, sun and a view of the med. What more could you ask for, really? Wanted to walk on further and see if I could find a deserted beach but it was getting dark. It was maddening cause you could see the path disappear over the next bit of hill/cliff and I wanted to walk it and see where it went. Definitely on the list of places to go back to some day.


Anonymous said...

Yeah you should definitely go back. I mean, after all, now you DO know the way to San Jose, you might as well..

Anonymous said...

Yebo! WorthFest Ibiza 2005! I'm booking it already.

Unknown said...

Mixed feelings here now. We're dying to see you back safely, but then your holiday's over. Never mind. We're all looking forward to photos galore :)


Anonymous said...

To be honest, All I want is tacky souviner donkey, but i've got a postcard, so that'll have to make do for now :}