Thursday, May 20, 2004

Local Radio

While driving home from... well i'd like to say "while driving home from taking pictures of the sunset", but "while driving home from having my battery run out after 2 minutes" is a more accurate sentence. Anyway, while driving home, I was listening to the radio, and... you know what, there's just no way to introduce this.

"Tonight on metro radio our phone-in topic is shaving rash."

I need to fix my car cd player.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And you didn't tape it?
dolly | 05.20.04 - 8:13 pm

Is that station on satellite?
Galoot | 05.21.04 - 12:27 am

Boy, I felt that one. My car radio gets a mere one station, AM 920 KARN Talk radio. Hmm, Bill O'Reilly or shaving rash...tough choice!
Nixon Casablanca 05.21.04 - 1:47 am

So, did you find out how one is supposed to shave rash?
james | 05.24.04 - 10:16 pm

I'm busy re-reading BRI and have no time for local radio. Heh.
Carl | 05.26.04 - 2:09 pm