Saturday, September 13, 2008

I saw Hillary Clinton yesterday!

Having wandered into Grand Central Station to have a look at the building, I saw a big group of people huddled around a bunch of cameras pointed at an unattented podium. I went over to see what was going on and, after asking a few people who didn't know what was going on but who were pushing to get to the front anyway, I found out that Hilary Clinton was going to be there!

I waited about 5 minutes and she popped up and started talking... I managed to get right to the front of the crowd but there were still lots of security people in the way and lots of middle class ladies wanting to get through to see her so I stepped back and went round to the other side of the crowd where I managed to get right to the front again and had a pretty unobstructed view! She gave a talk about the transit system as I think she's just come up with a plan to give loads of money to it. Then a few other people spoke and then they had questions. It was so cool to see! She was obviously a very good speaker and conducted the questions really well. She was wearing a hideous orange pantsuit.

The crowd was pretty appreciative altogether though a few people tried to start up a chant of "obama obama". Someone asked a question about Sarah Palin and how inexperienced she is, something along the lines of how does Hillary feel about the comparisons with sarah and one of her colleagues said "It's obvious that Sarah Palin is certainly no Hillary Clinton" which got the biggest cheer of the whole thing! Then she did a few photo ops for the press, signed a framed photo collage some fan had brought along and shook hands with some people. As she walked out, she came right by my side of the stage and shook hands with members of the crowd so i got some good photos then. One guy she kissed on the cheek and, as the crowd broke up and started to follow her to the first class lounge where she made her exit, I heard the guy overexcitedly saying to his friends "I french kissed Hillary Clinton!" and "Who needs Monica?!"

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