Tuesday, September 14, 2004


My job is so boring. I was going to have a rant about that but now i can't be bothered. You should be glad about that.

Anyway I kind of quit but got convinced into going in tomorrow.

But then as soon as I finish I'm gonna go to Scotland! I realised I need something to shake of the workiness before i start uni but booking easyjets last minute is expensive so i'm just gonna drive to scotland and stay in a hostel wednesday, thursday and maybe friday night.

Have decided on this place called Killin. It's only 4 hours drive and looks pretty nice with loch and some waterfall/rapids. Will be dragging myself out of bed at least once for a sunrise photoshoot (yes i *will* damnit)

Wish me luck on not getting lost trying to find scotland.


MeanMrMustard said...

It's north. I think. Unless you're in Wales, in which case north is wet. Have fun!

pineapplecharm said...

Killin sounds top, if cold. Don't forget the Scotch! A quick nip can do wonders when you're paddling in some half-frozen waterfall or lying in the dewy grass trying to get a shot of deer in the dawn mist..

..come to think of it, my job is pretty boring, too.

rmacapobre said...

i think there are more of us (who's bored at work) than anybody could ever guess ..

Daniel Goodchild said...

Sunrises are worth it.
Have fun.